Dhokla (Khaman) | RECIPES Indian & Cool Drinks

Monday, August 2, 2010

Dhokla (Khaman)

1 cup gram flour
1 cup water
1 1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp citric acid
1 tsp soda bicarb
2 green chillies
1/2" piece ginger grated
2-3 drops yellow colouring
salt to taste

Warm the water. Take flour in a large bowl. Place sugar and citric acid in a cup. Place
soda bicarb in another cup. Pour a little of the water over each. Pour remaining water in
gram flour, add chilli and ginger. Mix well with palm till smooth.
Place the pressure cooker on gas with 1 litre water and stand.
Grease a round cooker or cake tin and place in the cooker. Allow to heat. Add sugar
solution and colour to better.
Mix well till light and fluffy. Add soda solution and mix well. Pour into prepared tin before
the foam goes down. Do not touch spoon now. Cover tin with a perforated lid and close
Cook without whistle for 13-14 minutes. Remove tin and allow it to cool. Cut in cubes and
remove with spatula. Heat oil in a small pan.
Add mustard seed, allow to splutter. Pour over dhokla cubes. Sprinkle coconuts and
coriander. Transfer to serving dish. Serve hot or cold with green chutney.
For Seasoning:
1/2 cup coconut grated
1/4 cup coriander chopped
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1 tbsp oil


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